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The SNEAK is a small computer terminal that has been grafted into the forearms of all residents of Omikron. Using the latest molecular disassembly technology from their designers at Khonsu, it serves as a convenient storage and information device.


The latest MK400 SNEAK model interface is divided up into several sections, each one serving an important function.


The topmost blue icon. Lists information on the current body your soul inhabits, split into two sections. The first displays general information about the person, while the second displays their combat stats and abilities (these can be altered through training or certain items).

See Also - Character Statistics

Call Slider

The green icon. This option brings up the Slider interface, which you can use to call one if you are nearby (you'll be notified if you cannot call one from your current location). You can select one of several available destinations, with more becoming available as you progress through the game.


The orange icon. Displays a list of items you have collected so far, which you can either use or examine up close. You can only hold up to 18 at one time, so a Multiplan will be necessary should you wish to hold more. Your current Setek and Magic Ring amount will also be displayed, and do not count toward the inventory limit.

You also have an option to view the map of the current district you are in, with key areas marked on it. This does not work indoors, nor outside of the districts.

Something important to keep in mind is that while most of your stored items will transfer over between bodies, weapons (and their stocked ammunition) and seteks do not. Since these also cannot be stored in your multiplan either, it helps to plan ahead.


The yellow icon. Acts as a quest log of sorts. It will list important information from past conversations you've had or documents you've read, and point you in the right direction of your next objectives. You will be notified in-game if something has been recorded to your memory log.


The red icon. Displays the options menu, where you can adjust your settings if you have not already done so before starting/resuming a game. This is also helpful if you find the difficult of certain sections to hard, and want to adjust them accordingly.


The bottom white icon. Use this to exit to the main menu.

Related Notes