Omikron Walkthrough (Part 1)

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Part 1


Intro scene plays.

Select yes both times to progress.

Anekbah District

Items Obtained

After arriving through the portal, and after the scene, head down the open alleyway. Ahead you'll find 3 Magic Rings. Take them and continue down the alley until you arrive in Anekbah. Walking forward down into the street will trigger the title sequence.

You are now free to explore the Anekbah district. It is not mandatory for the moment, but you can obtain many useful items (or you can decide to save them for later). Keep in mind that it may be worth it to revisit certain areas later on, as new encounters or events may occur that were not present before a certain point in the story.

If you access your SNEAK, you'll notice two items inside, Kay'l's Apartment Key and an MK400 Notice. To continue with the main storyline, you can either call a slider to take you to Kay'l's Apartment, or walk over to it since it's right across the street.

Once inside, choose any of the elevators (they'll all take you to the same place) and use the apartment key (it will disappear after use).

Kay'l's Apartment

Items Obtained

Upon entering the apartment, head to you left and around the divider. You can open the desk to receive 500 Seteks. Head down into the the sitting area to find a Ring Notice on the table. You can activate the transcan (the device in the corner of the sitting area with the digital aura emanating from it) and browse various channels.

Heading further into the main room will trigger a memory of a woman. Observer the glass tank with a lizard inside, called a Koopy. You'll notice a feeding hatch on the tank, as well as what looks like another item inside. To the right of the tank against the wall is a Multiplan. Access it to find a Multiplan Notice and 5 Magic Rings. Withdraw the rings, and feel free to deposit all the text items after reading them to free up some space. Now head all the way to the door on the right wall, bypassing the two on the back wall, and into the apartment's kitchen. On the cabinet on the right side, you'll find some Pureed Cramen and A can of Kloops Beer. Turning around the corner, you'll notice 3 floating rings in the corner of the room. This represents your Save Point - You can use it now if you want, but keep in mind that each save costs you a magic ring. You may want to hold off on saving until before you leave the apartment. Pick up the Omikron News - 11 Nadim 7216 document on your left, and head around to another cabinet where you can obtain some Food for Koopies.

Heading back outside you'll encounter the woman from your recent memory. Ask her anything for more information on what to do next. She'll go into the bedroom after. You can follow her, but pick up the Waver Gun she dropped first. Also, head back over to the Koopy tank feed it (stand in front of the hatch and use the food for koopies on it). You'll then see it grab the item in the tank and bring it over to the hatch, where you can pick it up - Kay'l's Small Key.

Now you can head into the bedroom, where you'll see a lesser clothed Telis emerged from the bathroom and lay on the bed. At this point, you can either choose to continue exploring the apartment, or actually lay down with her and engage in a clothed sex scene (yes, it's as awkward as it sounds). Following this will be a nightmare of the demon creature that attacked you. You'll then get up and be in control again.

Head over to the chest and open it to obtain a Sleeping Pill Prescription (you'll be using this a little later). You can then head over to the armoire and obtain a Medikit Large and Kay'l's Police Badge. The two doors on the left lead to the toilet and shower (you can relieve yourself there), but there is nothing of interest there, so instead head through the door on the right.

You'll now find yourself in the fight simulator room. I suggested you spend a little time here to increase you fighting skills before continuing on with the main story. Head into the center of the room and access the terminal that lowers for you. Once given access, select the difficulty number of the fight and watch as your digital adversary appears. Fighting this thing about a dozen times (and winning) should get you to the max level (after every couple of won matches, you'll be informed that your rank has increased - "Grand Master of Taar" is the highest).

Once you've finished training, exit out the other door and back into the main room. Go save your game in the kitchen and then head back to the elevator, after saying goodbye to Telis.

To Security HQ

Items Obtained

Pick up Sleep Pill Prescription

Head to Security HQ

Security HQ

Items Obtained

Explore Security HQ (create drugged Koil)

Find Kay'l's Office

Report to Captain Lea

Obtain interrogation items

Interrogating Jenna

Items Obtained

Head to Jenna's Apartment

Explore Apartment

Return to Security HQ

Interrogate Jenna

Report back to Captain Lea (give her drugged Koil)